GunFreedomRadio 03 Aug 2020

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GunFreedomRadio EP233 Voting is Essential with Joanne Osborne

In General

Our guest today is Joanne Osborne. Joanne is an AZ State Representative and a small business owner.

Joanne is a wife, a mom, and a grandma and has been in Public Service for more than a decade

By working in both the public and private sector, Joanne understands how a pro-business environment, fiscal responsibility, and a high-quality education system lead to a high quality of life for her family and her constituents. Joanne is currently campaigning in the 2020 election to continue her work on behalf of the citizens of the State of AZ.

1) You have served on Boards, on City Counsel, as Vice-Mayor, and as an AZ State Representative. You’ve seen the good, the bad and the ugly - talk to us about the distinction you see between being a Politician and a Public Servant.

2) What are some of the big issues in our AZ elections this year, that also are relevant to the national conversation and citizens of this nation no matter where they live.

            - Second Amendment

            - Education

            - Water rights?

            - Fiscal responsibility

            - Reducing regulations & taxes on business opportunities

3) You are the owner of a Family-business along with your husband. Tell us about that journey and how you have fared through the Covid season thus far.

4) Back to the election – when is it? How do you feel about voting in person vs mailing your votes?

5) Without saying what is perhaps lacking in any of your opponents, what makes you the best person for the concerns facing us in the coming years here in AZ?

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