GunFreedomRadio 11 Feb 2022

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GunFreedomRadio EP369 Laws of Defense with Lana Bryan & Cyn Ladd

In General

Our guests today are:
Lana Bryan is an Operations Manager for US LawShield and oversees 9 states for the company and has been with the company for 8 years. Lana has been an NRA Instructor for many years and has been an avid shooter for 30 years. Her passion of empowering women and teaching children the safety and fundamentals of shooting is her passion.
Cyn Ladd is the District Manager for the State of Arizona for US LawShield.
1) Tell us individually why YOU are connected to US LawShield? Lana, you go first.
2) The whole Kyle Rittenhouse story has brought all of this kind of thing into sharp focus, but there are hundreds of similar stories that happen in the blink of an eye. What are some of the real-life events that you have seen people go through?
3) US LawShield will be sponsoring Stephen Willeford "“ the Hero of Sutherland Springs to speak at this year's Celebrate & Protect the 2nd Amendment Rally Event on the lawn of the AZ State Capitol on Saturday, February 19th, 2022 from 10:am "“ 2:pm. Tell us how you and Stephen became connected?

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