GunFreedomRadio 26 May 2023

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GunFreedomRadio EP407 Parenthood & Politics with Janel Lamb

In General

Our guest today is Janel Lamb. Janel is the author of two books, a mom, a grandma and the wife of Mark Lamb, who most of us know as The American Sheriff. Janel is focused on Faith, Family, and Freedom, and as a Law Enforcement and political spouse, she shares personal stories of wins and losses, and spreads a message of hope!
1) You are the author of two books, "The Sheriff's Wife" and "Bravery & Blinders". Tell us a little bit about each book and what the driving force was behind writing each one?
2) Being a parent and grandparent in our current world is nothing like it was when our kids were young. What are your thoughts on how young parents can navigate the minefield.
3) Your husband has been elected Sheriff of Pinal County multiple times, and now he has just made a big announcement about his next does your family handle the snakepit that politics can be?
4) Firearms and our Right to keep and bear them are under attack like never before in my lifetime. Politicians went from saying "we aren't trying to take your guns, to "˜Hell, yes!' that is exactly what we are doing. And there is an anti-gun group our there attempting to speak for all Moms (Moms Demand Action). They certainly do not speak for me "“ I demand and advocate for our Constitutional Rights "“ what say you to all of this?

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