GunFreedomRadio 14 Jun 2023

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GunFreedomRadio EP412 How Survivors Empower Others with Shirley Watral

In General

Our guest today is Shirley Watral. Shirley, is the author of Amazon bestseller Heels to Holster, is a motivational speaker and firearms trainer. Her book Heels to Holster is a memoir of how she discovered the warrior inside as she survived an abusive relationship and thrived in the aftermath.
She serves as the DC Project Florida state director since 2020, with the mission to raise awareness among the community and legislation that firearms safety and violence prevention are achieved through education, not legislation.
1) How are you using your personal story in Heels to Holster to empower other people?
2) Many people who have been victimized by violent crime seem to become anti-gun. You consider yourself a Survivor and an advocate for the Second Amendment. Is there a correlation between those two mindsets?
3) Tell us about The DC Project and what drives your passion to serve as the Florida State Director and spread the message about #EducationNotLegislation ?
- Public being misinformed about firearms and people in the firearms community
- Media play on words (mass shooting vs mass killing, Assault Rifle vs Armalite Rifle, weapons of war, automatic vs semi automatic, etc)
4) Recently FL Governor DeSantis invited the DCP to an important bill signing event "“ tell us about that?
- Hollywood Beach boardwalk shooting blamed on permitless carry (which becomes Law on July 1, 2023)

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