SAR1076 20 Aug 2010

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Haters, Mindsets & Philosophy behind the Simply Priceless trick shot

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Just some thots about the simply priceless video

Wild West Show - Bill Hickok & Annie Oakley

Annie Oakley's was a renowned trick shot who was an accomplish pistol & rifle shooter at age 15 (and before). Her tricks included from 30 paces, split the edge of a playing card, hit center of ace of spades, shoot down a playing card tossed in air, shatter glass balls thrown in air, hit dimes held between Butler's fingers, shoot an apple out of poodle's mouth and shoot off the butt of cigarette from Butler's mouth. She also performed the last trick shooting the cigarette out of Crown Prince Wilhelm's mouth in Berlin. Her most famous trick was a mirror trick in which she hit a target behind her shooting backwards using a mirror for aim.

BTW it should be noted that Annie Oakley and the famous trick shooters of times past didnt attend any 'trick shooting academies'.



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