ArmedAndFeminine 03 Nov 2019

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Hickok45 and ARMED and Feminine at 2A Rally

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Firearms Information geared toward women

Hickok45 and I were two of the speakers at a recent 2A Rally at the our nation's capitol. Hickok has been a great friend to this channel as he was truly the one who gave my videos a shout out years ago, which essentially got the ball rolling. He really is just the same genuine gentleman you see in his videos.
Use my code ArmFem at for a nice discount!

We are proud to have as a sponsor of the channel. Please check them out from my invite page and get $15 off your first $200 order! -

Video and Production: Kelly-Charles Pidgeon,

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All music is from my husband's band, Boats Against the Current, available on iTunes.

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Military Arms Channel

It was a great time! So many great people came out.

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tommygun7 5 years ago

Awesome! Great interview. Hickok45 is so fun to watch. I don't think anybody knows how many guns this man has sold :)

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