High Desert Drew
High Desert Drew 24 Apr 2019

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How To: Change the Oil on a Renix XJ. (Or any vehicle really)

In General

Over the last year I have done quite a bit of videos of some pretty advanced vehicle maintenance. But I have largely ignored the more mundane videos about how I do just basic maintenance, so I decided to do a quick-ish video on changing your oil. I squeezed it down to a sub-18 min run time.

It requires a lot of time and effort to do these videos, as it makes the actual maintenance take twice as long, and then I spend about 2-3 times that editing and producing the video. I'm not sure if I will keep doing basic maintenance videos in the future. If you like this sort of content, give me a like, give me a subscribe. Otherwise I tend to think no one likes it, and I just stop doing it.

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