GunRights4Illinois 29 Mar 2019

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igold 2019 illinois gun owner lobby day montage of photos and videos

In General

A montage of photos and videos of the 2019 Illinois Gun Owner Lobby day on March 26th, 2019.

This video is compiled of photos and videos taken by both managing editor of GunRights4Illinois, Thomas Kral, as well as GunRights4Illinois member submitted photos and videos.

On March 27th, 2019, approximately 8,000 Illinois Gun Owners marched on Springfield to demand gun rights in Illinois. IGOLD is organized and sponsored by the Illinois State Rifle Association.

The video starts out with random photos of attendees to IGOLD 2019.

At 30 seconds we see photos of some of the speakers including state Representative Allen Skillicorn.

The parade of approximately 8,000 attendees begins at 38 seconds. The video of the parade start was sped up slightly to shorten video length. However with so many people, the parade continues on to 12:42.

At 12:43 there are more photographs of the parade as well as the rally point in front of the state capitol building and within the state capitol building.

At 13:28 we see a speech by Dickson "Q" Amoah, President of the 761st Gun Club of Illinois. This speech runs until, 13:31.

At 19:42, this video ends with a very powerful message to the law makers of Illinois, and the law makers of the great nation of the United States of America. Heed this message.

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