Affordable_Armory 13 Feb 2023

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Is the HK VP9 THAT Much better than a Glock or Sig Sauer? (2023)

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Is the HK VP9 really better than a Glock? Or a Sig Sauer? Or an M&P? It's definitely more expensive. But does the increase in price over its competitors buy the HK VP9 better performance? Watch the video and find out if the HK VP9 is really worth spending the extra bit of money on over some of its competitors.

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For the YouTube manual reviewers:
1) This video complies with all YouTube guidelines and standards;
2) All firearm handling is done by a trained professional in a controlled, safe environment and all shooting is done on a dedicated, safe shooting range;
3) The links above are to my personal website and I do not sell, or offer for sale, firearms or ammunition;
4) This video is intended to entertain and inform. It is not intended to sell, or offer for sale, any firearms, ammunition, or accessory;
5) The firearms shown in this video are completely stock and not "previously modified".

 @Vedderholsters  #vedderholsters #hkvp9 #hkvp9orb #concealedcarry #edc #homedefensepistol #homedefense #carrygun #carrypistol

00:00 Introduction
01:10 Unboxing and Overview
04:40 Other Options
05:33 More Features
07:44 Trigger
09:28 Vedder Holsters
10:35 Accuracy
11:29 Wrap Up

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