GunRights4Illinois 13 Jun 2019

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ISP Webinar Gun Dealer Licensing June 11 2019

In General

In this hour long webinar, hosted by the Illinois State Police (ISP) on June 11th 2019, the ISP discuss the new Gun Dealer License Certification program and how federally licensed firearm dealers can apply for the certification.

In addition topics discussed include the following"¦

-Where to go to apply to be a certified gun dealer in the state of Illinois.
-How to contact the Illinois State Police in regards to the gun dealer certification program and application.
-The Pre application Checklist for the gun dealer license certification.
-A powerpoint presentation of how to apply for the gun dealer license certification.
-A discussion about the training requirements for certified gun dealers as well as their employees.
-Signage requirements.
-Known defects and bugs in the Gun Dealer License Certification application system.

FFL's were also allowed to ask several of their questions including...

-What to enter for FFL date if you don't know what date your FFL was issued?
-How to speak to an operator when calling?
-Are C&R's required to be listed on the application?
-Will the ISP provide signs?
-Fee proration's?
-Will I need to be licensed if I manufacture and ship out of state?
-If I do just one transfer per year, will I need a gun dealer license certification?
-If multiple owners, will multiple affidavits be necessary?
-How to upload files?

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