GunFreedomRadio 12 Aug 2024

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GunFreedomRadio EP456 2024 Constitutional AZ Sheriff Candidate with Jerry Sheridan – Originally Aired 8.12.24

In General

Our guest today is Jerry Sheridan. Jerry is a Constitutional Conservative Republican, and understands that the role of Sheriff besides keeping people safe is to serve the People in protecting the Constitution, people’s liberties and freedoms including gun rights. Jerry is a member of the CSPOA (Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association), and he is a 2024 GOP candidate for Maricopa County Sheriff.
1) What is the difference between a sheriff’s office and a police department? (You would be surprised how many don’t really know what the sheriff does.)
2) What is the biggest issue you face when taking office.
3) What can you do about the fentanyl crisis here in Maricopa County.
4) What does being a constitutional sheriff mean to you?
5) How do people follow you?

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