Kimber Pepper Blaster Test and Review
Amazon links to the Pepper Blaster (I make no money from these links):
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This is my review and "shooting" footage of the Kimber Pepper Blaster. I bought this one a few years ago and it has expired, so I decided to go ahead and actually use it on camera for you to see. I see this as a good less lethal option for self defense and EDC as long as you understand the limitations of pepper spray. I definitely do not recommend using this indoors or in an enclosed space such as a vehicle unless you have no choice. Even outdoors, my cameraman caught a bit of the spray and ended up having to take a break before finishing the video. It's not the most accurate thing in the world, but given the likelihood that this will be used up close and personal I don't see that as a huge issue.
Krav Maga Training: