NOCFirearmsChannel 27 Jul 2018

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Kings Dont Bow

In General

It's all about perspective. In many conversations the confirmation of Black Americans intellect, beauty, wisdom, courage, greatness, cultural and historical accomplishments is summed up by saying we are Kings and Queens. This is never meant to demean any other race or culture but rather to provide a positive remembrance of who we truly are. A people stripped of their history and self worth need to be reminded of how great they really are. Part of that greatness was welcoming and sharing knowledge with people all around the world. "Just remember, to love me is not to hate you" -KD

This is where is becomes a challenge when dealing with perspective. If this is how you view yourself, then please explain to me why one would bow to anything, let alone a system that you believe is oppressing you? Historically, when a King was dethroned, death was close. Not because the King went and withered away, but his desire for his greatness and position was so high; death was the only thing that could stop him. Even in death it would be a challenge if he had offspring because a great leader passes lessons on and the offspring would seek greatness to honor his name.

Are there illicit obstacles in the way of Blacks and other minorities, YES! This is an undeniable fact! However, is that a reason to submit your life to misery, despair, misfortune, and overall unwillingness to strive for greater, NO! Unfortunate things have happened and some continue to. I dont want you to change your perspective of being royalty, because it symbolizes self worth, dignity, honor, greatness, love, courage, and a willingness to be a conqueror. I just want people to tap into that and fight through and be intellectually tough enough to change what you perceive as being wrong. The perspective is awesome; "let's start using our perception for greatness, instead of using our issues as a crutch of pacification." -KD

P.S. A King doesnt surrender his arms, especially voluntarily! You would have to pry them from his hands.

#noc #kdofnoc #aimingforthetruth #perception #kings #queens #greatness #honor #action #love

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