76HighboyReloading 31 Jan 2016

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Lex V's Precision Bench

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This is the reason I make my videos and it is the greatest reward. Below is the message Lex sent me and my reply to him and this video is the pic he sent me.

I just wanted to take time to say thank you for all of your detailed and almost intuitive videos for the reloading beginner. It is ONLY by the trust I have in you and your detailed and informational videos that I was able to start such a fun and rewarding hobby and I truly want to thank you personally for that. I live in an apartment and it was very crucial that when I started getting into reloading that I acquired the right equipment to maximize my space and you helped me determine what I needed. I'm not sure if you are still taking reloading bench pictures for your videos but I enclosed a picture of my setup and it would mean the world to me to get your input. Again thank you for everything and hopefully I will talk to you soon.
Dear Lex, You humble me greatly. Here are my thoughts on your bench. It reminds me of my mechanic's rod shop. He has a flat screen located at each stall so he can access needed data real time and everything he needs to get the job done the first time. Everything is organized and clean and that is exactly how you operate. Your bench screams precision and you get my vote of approval my friend. BTW, the man on the flat screen TV is a very handsome man and quite buffed.


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