76HighboyReloading 27 Oct 2018

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Live Stream: Redding T7 and Worlds Finest Trimmer, Starline Brass, I WILL PROVE IT!!!

In General

***CORRECTION*** In this video the I make the statement that Oregon Trail Bullets have a BHN of 31. That is incorrect. The BHN is 24***

For this video, I will take the Worlds Finest Trimmer and Trim uniform Starline Cases back with tight tolerances. I will also show complete set up of the Redding Instant Indicator. Below are the links to the equipment I will be using. God bless and thanks for watching. Highboy

Redding T7 Turret: http://bit.ly/2qOb33I
Redding Instant Indicator: http://bit.ly/2qUJ7LF
Worlds Finest Trimmer: http://bit.ly/2SgMSHj

76Highboy Nation is where I post future live streams.
76Highboy Reloading Guns, Ammo and Coffee Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2011421259076530/

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