76HighboyReloading 28 Jan 2018

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LiveStream: Lever Action Talk, Rifles and Coffee!!!

In General

My channel and content is solely supported by my works. I decided not to go to Patreon because I am loyal to all of my viewers and did not want to leave any behind. Because YouTube no longer allows monitization like they did in the past my money is limited. If you want to help support the channel you can simply click on the dollar symbol while in the Super Chat or you can donate through PayPal. Here is the PayPal link. https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=Pw59PDNL5SWvcrvblb9kIjAyCWgD2yaFGuOLfOvjvI6Esg8rgc-CpjOFkHvLWGZdMm8GoW&country.x=US&locale.x=US
God bless and thanks for watching. Highboy

Below is the link to the Ransom Rest Facebook group. Mike is a good friend of mine.

By clicking on the link(s) below and making any purchase through the link(s) you are supporting my channel and it is greatly appreciated.


***WARNING*** Seek professional instruction before attempting to reload ammunition otherwise you may harm someone else or yourself.

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