M-W Tactical
M-W Tactical 31 Jul 2018

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M W Tactical Effective ways to continue to train

In General

Have you ever took a training class or on a budget and currently saving for another training class. Let's talk some pointers where you can still keep those skills intact while shooting on a budget.


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Music credits: Buddha by Kontekst https://soundcloud.com/kontekstmusic Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/b6jK2t3lcRs

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Squib 6 years ago

The PVC pipe stand is also lighter and if it rains at the range or while you are transporting them home in the bed of your pickup, you don't have to worry about rusting.

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M-W Tactical
M-W Tactical 6 years ago

I like the PVC pipe because its something that will not break the bank and can be used many times over, but like your thought process of keeping rust out the bed of the truck....

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