Rob Pincus
Rob Pincus 06 May 2020

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Moving Mario! Remote control Tat3D Target

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Rob Pincus and Elvis Rey discuss the new Moving Mario 3D Target from Tat3D.
3D targets offer the opportunity to train in ways that paper targets don't, especially when it comes to shooting in defense of others. The fact that the human torso is a three dimensional tube and not a flat geometric shape is important to understand in regard to target areas and angles in a dynamic close quarters event.
The Moving Mario helps simulate chaotic dynamic events in a realistic way, but it is up to the person running the drills and controlling the target to ensure that it is done safely. While the shooter is always responsible for where the Bullets go, those facilitating the simulations that use a moving target must do everything they can to prevent creating an unnecessarily risky situation.

Learn more at Tat3D Targets at:

Learn more about reality based training and armed defense at:

Follow Rob Pincus on Instagram at: @pincusrob

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