Warthog71 20 Jan 2020

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MUST WATCH: VA citizen owns Virginia Capital Police when they appear on his porch

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Watch how this man handles Capital Police when they try to question him about prospective terrorism.

Full video:

Peck's 2A America

馃摬Email: [email protected]
馃幆GunStreamer: https://gunstreamer.com/@Warthog71

馃嚭馃嚫 My views are entirely my own. My speech and my artistic expression are protected by the US Constitution.
The protection I enjoy as a American for my GOD given right to bear arms is also that if the US Constitution. Specifically, the 2nd Amendment.
My videos are for demonstration purposes only. I am not a gun manufacturer or licensed gunsmith. It is always recommended that you consult a professional before using, repairing or altering a firearm.
Shoot responsibly! 馃嚭馃嚫

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BadgerKlaws 5 years ago

New Sub, hit me back please, I believe we're in the middle of this growing tyranny here in Wisconsin. I have contacted (2) of our local Reps and got the same response, as was given by the VA Lt. Gov.; " I am from a hunting/sport firearm household too. However, we NEED this new legislation to protect the safety of our children in....." It's a script handed to them by Bloomberglurs.

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Warthog71 5 years ago

Welcome BK! I know right. Is it seems as if there鈥檚 no hope and individually we are alone and without support. However, we do in fact have each other. Though we may be spread far apart, there are millions of us! Just like what you did right now, by posting in this channel you are spreading the word. As gun owners we are private by nature, it need to break away from that and utilize social media to continue to connect with like minded patriots. A year ago, I took the chance at putting myself out there and now I have had the blessing of meeting thousands of people like you. We will grow our network together and stand fast. Patience and calm help us to not waste our energy with fruitless efforts All that said

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Warthog71 5 years ago

Feel free to reach out anytime. We are all together in this fight for our freedom!

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noel 5 years ago

Typical police making up false information to stick a citizen's with charges.THEY ONLY SERVE AND PROTECT THEIR MASTER TYRANTS.NOT THE PEOPLE.

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Warthog71 5 years ago

That鈥檚 right Noel. LE work for their agencies, not the people. I cannot agree more!

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2Alifestyle 5 years ago

Way to go man that's how you handle a situation 2Alifestyle

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Warthog71 5 years ago

Roger that! Brother. This is one good example of how a free man responds! Charlie Mike!

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baloo27 5 years ago

Cops were just doing their job

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Warthog71 5 years ago

And taking note of everything to build a case. Charlie Mike!

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