Cav Trooper 19D
Cav Trooper 19D 29 Jan 2023

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My favorite firearm (s) I own | video response VR

In General

Tagged in a video response by two channels in a VR video response to what my favorite firearm is I own. First tag, Christian Grest an excellent firearms channel, great individual, friend/brother, Patriot, and Navy veteran. Second tag, JerrBear Tactical another excellent channel full of builds, long time supporter, friend/brother, Patriot. Both channels do many interesting things, many overlapping, and too many to list.
This is a show and tell type video discussing my favorite owned in which I chose to go nostalgic to answer the VR.
As keeping with tradition of VR’s I too tagged a few more excellent channels I think very highly of. All linked below.

*NO dangerous acts, NO disassembly, NO modifications, NOTHING shown to violate youtube guidelines.*

Christian Grest:

JerrBear Tactical:

CRS Firearms:


Roman’s Generic Gun Channel:

HHT, Headquarters and Headquarters Troop (Patreon):

Business Inquires Email: [email protected]

*disclaimer - All videos and content here in is done by a current and trained US Army officer in combat occupation which consisted of years of training and deployments from multiple entities, schools, personal expirience through deployments. “Resume” in the channel’s “ABOUT” section. Deployments that consisted of leading platoon and company/troop size units. In addition to being a commissioned officer University of Pittsburgh ROTC (then Panther Battalion), I also hold a b.a.History. I urge individuals to seek out training. Even i seek private training to make myself more proficient in arms and situational awareness as these skills can have fleeting portions. As an American it is your civil right to own a firearm as protected by the 2nd Amendment, I believe it is your moral obligation to seek individual training in my opinion.
**Nothing I state here or seen in video is legal advice or guidance to be used outside of these entertainment channels.

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