Rob Pincus
Rob Pincus 29 Apr 2019

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NRA Members' Meeting Debate: Rob Pincus Seeking Transparency

In General

Rob Pincus made this statement to the assembled officers and Board Members of the National Rifle Association during contentious debate about whether or not concerns over issues including potential corruption, financial malfeasance, cronyism and associated cover-ups should be discussed at the NRA Member's Meeting on 4/27/2019.
Current Board Members, including Marion Hammer, Willes Lee, William Porter and Peter "Jay" Printz all spoke on behalf of silencing Voting Members after a small group lead by Attorney Joshua Printz had managed to interrupt the establishment's attempt to quickly adjourn the meeting before their voices could be heard.

Pincus posted this clip to Social Media sites with the following:

We must stop being afraid of the truth.

The current leadership of the NRA must stop operating as if they are beyond question and the Board must take action on behalf of the Members they represent to get the answers to fair questions being asked and to fix problems that many people have already acknowledged.

A group of Voting Members of the NRA that represent an ever growing number of NRA Members and the more than 94% of American Gun Owners who are not members of the NRA spoke up today. We were asking for an open discussion with Board Members and Officers of the Organization about concerns and allegations about dysfunction and impropriety within the NRA.
I was proud to be one of them.

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