ONSITE INTERVIEW: 2021 She Never Quit Event with Christopher Swainhart
Chris Swainhart is the Executive Producer of GunStuff TV and the award-winning cinematographer who has filmed all over the world, producing hundreds of commercial film projects for companies worldwide.
Chris's work with Deb Ferns, the Founder of The Women's Outdoor Media Association (WOMA) caused him to be involved with the 2021 She Never Quit (SNQ) Event which is an annual charity event that fosters community and leadership encouraging and promoting women who are, and who want to become, active in the shooting sports, archery, fishing, and hunting through social and mass media.
The annual SNQ is organized by WOMA and is a collaboration of women who publicize, promote these activities through their involvement in print, social, and educational media. Founded in 2009 by Deb Ferns, WOMA continues to highlight and encourage women in outdoor sports.
The 2021 SNQ brings together women of every skill level from all across the nation to enjoy camaraderie and the outdoor sports in a safe and fun environment with world-class trainers.