Jeremy Beaver
Jeremy Beaver 30 Sep 2018

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PA Steel League: 2018-09-30 Pricetown

In General

PA Steel League: Pricetown, final match of the season. We break out the Canik for the final score needed for the league. I felt I had a good day shooting. Over the last few months I have really improved with this gun. I know for the winter I have to work on getting a faster draw and getting to the first target faster.

Had a great season and can't wait to see the final results with this gun. Top-10 would be a great finish.

#PASteelLeague #SteelChallenge #LetFreedomRing #gallantbullets #boringlyreliable #theychangesoyoudonthaveto #huntershdgold #canik #tp9sfx

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