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Pabst Blue Ribbon Ballistics Test

In General

In the name of science and absurdity the quest for ballistic testing continues through recommendations from our viewers. In this test we test to see how many cans of PBR a .22 bullet will travel through. If any cans are left over we will pull out the Hand-Rifle (chambered in AAC .300 Blackout) and test Mark's "Spread's Silent Sledgehammer" rounds to see how many cans his sub-sonic loading will penetrate. Destroying perfect cans of beer but in the quest for scientific knowledge, there are no boundaries when it comes to giving our viewers what they ask for.... within reason. So sit back and enjoy watching a couple of yahoos blow up some of Milwaukee's finest.

Weapons used in this episode:
• Ruger 10-22 outfitted with a BSA scope with a NITESITE NS-200 night and day vision system attached.
• Harrington and Richardson 300 AAC BLACKOUT - Handi-Rifle (suppressed)

In all seriousness folks, please don't consume alcohol while using firearms.

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why am I so thirsty after watching this vid? lol. Awesome

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