Guns & Gadgets
07 Oct 2018
Pennsylvania Bill Looks To Ban LOADED GUNS
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Pennsylvania Bill Looks To Ban LOADED GUNS
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What is wrong with Pennsylvanastan?? Give me my Liberty Back!!! NOW!
The Democrats do it on purpose. Let’s stop calling them stupid. They’re not, they’re evil, they want criminals to have the upper hand on you.
The scenarios I can picture in my mind if something like that ever passed are disturbing. Imagine rolling up to Walmart (or wherever) and having to remove your firearm from concealment to load it as you're getting out of your vehicle and then returning it to concealment. In the mind of 99.9% of the "Soccer Moms" there, they just witnessed someone getting ready to rob the store.
Perhaps if Pennsylvania would stop electing liberals in to officer year after year, despite the average citizen there being a gun owner, these things would never come up.
Guns & Gadgets NYRM-1974 now on
The Do Nothing Democrats in Harrisburg are doing everything in their power to attack Pennsylvania Gun Owners Rights. Well jerks that wrote this proposal may as well forget it. Right now we are pushing for Pennsylvania Constitutional Carry and that's just too bad for Harrisburg and Governor Potato Head and his band of monkeys.
As liberals make the liberal places, i.e. New York, California, un-liveable and flee, they bring the liberal ideas that made the places they're fleeing with them.
This is how formerly good places to live are being converted to liberal, one small idea at a time.
Watch for these liberal refugees and their "good ideas" they bring with them. They can do a lot of damage before people catch on.
Has there been any update
Anything they can do to hamper your 2A rights!
Democrats have destroyed Pennsylvania. This used to be a good conservative state with constitutional values.
As a PA resident I contacted my legislators immediately on this one. Pure stupid that will probably go nowhere, but it is always good to be proactive.
Another reason not to go through or spend any money in PA on my way to see family in Ohio. A hour of Maryland was bad enough. Can always go through WVA.
As a Pennsylvanian this worries me