FERAL Components
FERAL Components 21 May 2018

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Pistol Shooting Drills - 5x5 Drill - Shooting Colt .380

In General

Never go to the range without a plan in mind or a drill to work on. One of my favorite drills is the 5x5 Drill.

As its name suggests, the goal is to place (a) 5 shots (b) inside a 5-inch target (c) from 5 yards away (d) within 5 seconds. To test your consistency, repeat 5 times.

For me, this is a great drill to do at the beginning of the shooting season (winters are harsh here, and I don't shoot much) or with any new handgun.

What are some of your favorite pistol shooting drills?


⦿ Get FERAL pistol shooting drills [Free Printables]: https://feralcomponents.com/targets


Hughston Shooting School in Hailey, Idaho: http://hssidaho.com


Hearing Protection: https://www.sportear.com
Eye Glasses: https://www.smithoptics.com/us..../Root/Women%27s/Sung


Tat started her journey of gun ownership and concealed-carry in 2008, shortly after she became a U.S. citizen. She is an NRA Instructor for Basics of Pistol Shooting and considers herself an intermediate shooter and a constant student of the gun.

In 2017, Tat came up with a device to make concealed-carry safer. She's filed a patent for her invention and is working on manufacturing her first product (due to launch in the fall of 2018 under the FERAL Components brand).


⦿ Website: https://feralcomponents.com
⦿ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feralcomponents
⦿ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FERALcomponents
⦿ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/FERALcomponents
⦿ GunStreamer: https://gunstreamer.com/@FERAL


This video was edited by Alex Antevski: https://www.instagram.com/antevski or http://www.OutsideTheEdit.com

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