Pistol Shooting Drills - Consistency - Shooting Sig Sauer P365
After a long wait, I finally got my new Sig Sauer P365 and had to take it to the range. I've handled this gun at the SHOT Show earlier this year and loved the feel of it, but was hoping that shooting it would live up to all the hype.
Since I don't like going to the range without a goal to work on, I decided to do some shooting drills, starting with the consistency drill designed by Guerilla Approach.
Hughston Shooting School in Hailey Idaho: http://hssidaho.com
⦿ Get FERAL pistol shooting drills [Free Printables]: https://feralcomponents.com/targets
⦿ Get Consistency Drill by Guerilla Approach: https://guerrillaapproach.com/....product/consistency-
Hearing Protection: https://www.sportear.com
Eye Glasses: https://www.smithoptics.com/us..../Root/Women%27s/Sung
Tat started her journey of gun ownership and concealed-carry in 2008, shortly after she became a U.S. citizen. She is an NRA Instructor for Basics of Pistol Shooting and considers herself an intermediate shooter and a constant student of the gun.
In 2017, Tat came up with a device to make concealed-carry safer. She's filed a patent for her invention and is working on manufacturing her first product (due to launch in the fall of 2018 under the FERAL Components brand).
⦿ Website: https://feralcomponents.com
⦿ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feralcomponents
⦿ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FERALcomponents
⦿ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/FERALcomponents
⦿ GunStreamer: https://gunstreamer.com/@FERAL
This video was edited by Alex Antevski: https://www.instagram.com/antevski or http://www.OutsideTheEdit.com