GunFreedomRadio 24 May 2024

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GunFreedomRadio EP442 Igniting Excellence with Sonny Leggett – Originally Aired 5.22.24

In General

Our guest today is Sonny Leggett. Retired US Army Colonel, Sonny Leggett, is the Chief Communications Officer of the PrairieFire in Nevada, which is a 550-acre campus developed as a premier destination for shooting enthusiasts worldwide.
1) Tell us the PrairieFire Story. The name alone is intriguing.
(PF celebrated their Grand Opening September 23, 2023 – formerly known as FrontSite under different management)
2) What kind of training opportunities are available at PrairieFire? Is it open to the general public, or must one have a membership?
3) PrairieFire supports a variety of non-profits. What are some of the fund-raising events you have held? And what events are coming up?
4) This episode is titled “Igniting Excellence” because in our experience the PF Team exemplifies that. And because you also have Leadership, Learning, and Development Programs, which is not standard practice at the average shooting complex. Talk to us about these programs.

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