NoTimeForThat 22 Jun 2016

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Polymer80 Spectre Pistol Build Range Trip #2

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2nd trip to the range for this pistol. Sorry for the vertical video, I hate that but had no choice working by myself. This time the pistol ejected spent rounds perfectly. The failure to go fully into battery persisted, as evidenced in this quick video (see me thumbing it to push it that last 1/32nd inch to get it to lock in battery?). So far I tried a factory (heavier than the LWD spring I have) Glock 17/34 recoil spring and it was a little better but not 100%, maybe 40-50% reliable with the LWD and 50-60% with the Glock, and that is with a death grip on the thing. I asked a buddy at the range who builds and customizes Glocks for his advice and he figured it was the combination of heavy striker spring and light recoil spring. Basically the heavy striker spring is overpowering the recoil spring and not letting the pistol go fully into battery. So there is a light striker spring on order and should be here in 2-3 days, we'll put his theory to the test, but I'm pretty confident he's right! Once all issues are resolved I'll make a good video explaining all I had to do to get mine to work right. Stay tuned, and please like and subscribe!

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