The_Chopping_Block 17 Feb 2020

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Prevent pewpew Dysfunction: Here's How To Properly Clean Your Chamber

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ARe you cleaning your chamber correctly? Dirty chamber is a leading cause of pewpew dysfunction. You're probably cleaning your chamber wrong. Here's how to do it right.

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The Chopping Block does not sell or promote guns, ammunition, or firearm accessories. These videos are offered as an educational resource focusing primarily on technical aspects of ammunition performance.

This video does not violate YouTube policy or advertiser guidelines in any way. Although it includes content that is related to firearms, there is no promotion whatsoever for the sale of any firearm or related product, nor is any instructional material presented. The video is simply an unbiased technical product review offered as an educational resource for law enforcement and responsible citizens. All shooting was performed on a controlled range, in carefully planned conditions, under the close supervision of a safety coordinator, law enforcement, and an NRA certified instructor. There are no dangerous or unsafe acts portrayed.

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