Radical Firearms Upper Quick Review (1-23-18)
Here's a quick look at the Radicle Firearms 16" upper with the 10" quad rail. I have to say, this rail looks really nice and appears to be very secure. I love the interface the rail has with the upper. I think it looks very sleek and almost monorail-esk. From what I could see the cycling issue was due to something blocking the gas flow. After taking the gas block off and on it functioned just fine. This is why it is important to function test after painting your gear. Enjoy.
Quad Rail itself: https://shop.opticsplanet.com/radical-firearms-first-gen-quad-rail-system-fqr.html?_iv_code=2CS-T8-RFFGQRS-10FQR&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=plusbox-beta&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI89_a4J3x2AIVhjqBCh0gSA5kEAYYASABEgIB_vD_BwE
Radical Firearms Upper: http://www.primaryarms.com/FU16-5-56M4-10FQR
Trinity Force Backup Sights: https://www.opticsplanet.com/t....rinity-force-ar15-fl
Fake suppressor: https://www.opticsplanet.com/g....untec-usa-ar-15-reve
I bought the exact same rig and mine does the same thing. One shot, that it. still trouble shooting.