NicTaylor00 12 Sep 2018

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RCBS Chargemaster 1500 DIY Repair

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After taking a few says to think on it, I borrowed another Chargemaster 1500 from a friend and swapped the parts of the unit and was able to isolate the defective part. Turns out my powder dispenser unit was causing the problem. I voided the warranty (already out of date) and took it apart with 4 simple screws. Take care not to damage the ribbon cable inside when you unplug it from the small PCB inside the dispenser.

After inspecting the little PCB I found that the connector that connects the dispenser to the scale had "cold solder joint". Cold solder joints are solder joints that did not cool or flow properly when the soldering process took place at the factory (manufacturing defect and should have been caught by the QA process). This is a relatively simple fix assuming you have a soldering iron. Just reflow the solder joints on the BERG connector so that the frosty looking solder joint is nice and shinny. Adding solder to the joint and using flux will make it easier.

Music by TeknoAXE, "Cover Blown"

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