RobertM 27 Sep 2019

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Reloading 9mm

In General

Reloading. Disclaimer: I take no liability for the load data used in this video or for improper reloading. The reloader or hand loader should use reliable load data and proper loading procedures provided by ammunition manufacturers and reloading equipment companies. Avoid distractions when reloading. Keep your mind on loading when you are loading or stop and then come back to start again when there are no distractions. Avoiding distractions will keep you safer and help to keep you from making a mistake on a loading step that could cost you. Please reload safely.

I do not endorse or have any affiliation with the ammunition manufacturers or companies of the reloading gear used in this video.

In the video I said the calibrate your powder scale when I probably should have said to zero out your scale but the point is to make sure the scale is accurate. The same goes for your calipers. Measuring tools should be zeroed and calibrated. Calibration means to check the tool's measurement reading against a known measure to ensure accuracy while zeroing means to reset the tool to its zero setting.

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switchpod 5 years ago

Your reloading like a pro!

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RobertM 5 years ago

switchpod Haha. I should be a pro for all the years I have been doing it. LOL Thanks for commenting and the like.

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NC Gun Guy
NC Gun Guy 6 years ago

Good info. Do you powder coat cast bullets? I don’t, haven’t as yet anyway. Might try it out one day.

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RobertM 6 years ago

Nope. The hard cast LRN bullets you see in the video are made by Speer. Just got them in and will be seeing how they perform in my standard barreled pistols. I have some old hard cast LRN bullets from a local supplier years ago and got one bad batch as they would not stabilize so I suspect they were not sized properly. Anyway, I will be running these new ones to see how they do. I really don't have the space to set up casting and bullet production or I would be doing that also. So for now I just buy bullets.

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NC Gun Guy
NC Gun Guy 6 years ago

Same here.

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RobertM 6 years ago

@NC Gun Guy : Thanks for the comment and for watching.

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RobertM 5 years ago

I probably should mention that in the video I am reloading for 9mm pistol, not for a pistol caliber carbine like the ape gun. I have had to change my loadings accordingly for the increased muzzle velocity of the ape gun but still have good function in my pistols. The result is the lower the velocity the better for the ape gun as there is less lead fouling and better stability and that also actually applies to the pistols. After say 30 or 40 rounds I run a jacketed/plated round through to keep the lead fouling down in the barrels. So doing that every so often keeps the lead fouling down. I do not shoot a whole lot of lead and then run a ball round through as that would increase pressure with heavy fouling in the rifling. The key is clean out the bore often as you go. Don't wait until there is more lead fouling than a FMJ/ball round can handle.

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RobertM 5 years ago

@RobertM: I am going to revise my previous statement a bit. For each mag of lead reloads I first load one ball round in the mag and then load the lead reloads. That way the last round being a ball round will clear the rifling of lead.

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RobertM 4 years ago

@RobertM: I am now phasing out my hard cast lead bullets for powder coated or polymer coated hard cast lead bullets. Better performance and little to no lead fouling.

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