westcovinadodge 05 Jan 2019

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Reloading Martini Henry 577/450 and teasing the pigs butt at 600yd

In General

Finishing steps of Manufacturing my ammo. Then a quick trip to Angeles shooting range. The pig is in the middle of the last berm.
Elvis has chickens, I have parrots.

cbc 24ga brass formed with a lee die, chopped to size with a little harbor freight chop saw. cci large pistol primer, 85 grains of goex 2f. 2 grains of kapok filler, plastic .030 45cal wad, grease cookie, another wad, and a 480gn bullet.
Jump to lands is about a quarter inch... ish.
The rifle is an 1887 enfield made Martini Henry MK IV pattern C.
The one with the ramp under the barly corn.
Thanks to IV8888, ginsboy2003 for the reloading vids.
Thanks to fc45lc for getting me going casting.
Thanks to elvis to get me to stop OCDing about casting.
Most importantly, Thanks to Loads of bacon for The reloaders Network.
Thanks Uncle Jim(and Jerry).

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