Patriot InTheDark
Patriot InTheDark 06 May 2024

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Revolution for Human Freedom Pt 4 ⚔️ Q&A The World Affairs Council "” Ronald Reagan 1988 * PITD

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Revolution for Human Freedom Pt 4 ⚔️ Q&A The World Affairs Council "” #RonaldReagan 1988 * #PITD
April 21, 1988
Q. Mr. President, you have for years tried to bring peace to the #MiddleEast. Can we rely on your administration to continue to move Israel to settle the Palestinian question on a more evenhanded basis?
The President. We're going to keep on trying as hard as we can. We feel that the coming together in negotiations, sitting down at a table with the other countries -- you know, most of us have forgotten that technically the state of war still exists between the Arab nations and #Israel. But we're not going to cure it until we come together and find out how we can arrive at a fair settlement of the differences between those peoples.
Q. Does that mean, Mr. President, that the United States is going to move closer to address the Palestinians directly?
The President. Yes, there are some among them that we have refused on principle to address, such as #Arafat, because Arafat has refused to recognize the right of Israel to exist as a nation. And I don't think that there's any negotiation between someone who just says, you're not even a nation, I won't talk to you. Israel is a nation, recognized as such by almost all of the civilized world. And so, this is what we're seeking -- are Palestinian leaders who are agreeable to coming together and with the other Arab States.
We have worked very hard also to make the other #ArabStates aware that -- even in addition to our agreement and the security, we agree, of Israel -- that we want to and can be fair and friends with them. And so we have established a relationship that I think is growing very much about -- that we have the trust of a great many of the Arab States. And a number of those are willing to join in this kind of negotiation that we want to achieve.
Q. Hello, Mr. President. I'd just like to tell you what an honor and totally unexpected privilege it is for me to ask you a question here. My question has to do with the article that was in the Wall Street Journal today about the #StealthBomber -- the artist's sketch of it, and after all these years of secrecy, why it was unveiled now. Perhaps it has something to do with your foreign trip and how the Stealth program is going to be incorporated with the #StarWars defense system?
The President. Well, this is, of course, a form of conventional weapon, an airplane and a bomber, and I think the timing was probably somewhat accidental about revealing this photo. What has happened is we have just reached the testing point. So, very shortly that plane will be in the air and visible to all. So, there didn't seem to be any more reason to keep it secret. And I don't think it will hurt at the summit.
And I know this is the final question, but I would just like to say to you that -- because there is some misunderstanding about that and about treaties, like the #STARTTreaty that we're trying to get -- we don't know -- it doesn't look likely that -- that treaty is so much more complicated than the #INFTreaty, that there's a great question as to whether it could be ready for signature at the summit. But we've never set a deadline on when it can be worked out. We don't want a fast treaty; we want a good one. And there are some lack of understanding on the part of some people. I've read some columns that think that our emphasis on reducing #NuclearWeapons means that we're going to allow the #SovietUnion to wind up with that great superiority they have in #ConventionalWeapons, and won't that be to our disadvantage? I think you all should know that as we continue any further development of eliminating nuclear weapons we'll now have to follow negotiations in conventional weapons to reduce to parity so that no one is left with an advantage over the other as we go on eliminating nuclear weapons, if we can. So, that is definite. And I have informed the General Secretary that that must take place, and he has expressed a willingness to talk on reducing our conventional weapons.
Full Transcript:
If you have any suggestions, questions or concerns please leave them below. Thanks for watching and make it an outstanding day! *** I am a proud American, blessed father, a staunch 2A activist and a Marine Corps Veteran that just happens to be 100% blind. This is a look at the Second Amendment, firearms, self Defense, Constitutionally protected rights, Liberty and Freedom from the perspective of a Visually Impaired, Blind American.
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