RogerRevo 13 Aug 2018

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Rifle side match 2018-08-11

In General

Rifle Side Match 2018-08-11.

go to 0:19 to see John shoot.
go to 2:30 to see Steve shoot.
go to 3:53 to see Roger shoot.
go to 6:23 to see Erik shoot.
go to 7:57 to see Adam shoot.

Shooter Points Time Hit Factor
John Sr. 211 92.83 2.2730
Steve 164 32.90 4.9848
Adam 204 51.02 3.9984
Erik 198 49.95 3.9640
John Sr 211 92.83 2.2730
Roger 226 109.55 2.0630

Having fun with reloading, bullet casting, and shooting.
A family channel.
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