Rob Pincus
Rob Pincus 01 Dec 2021

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Rob Pincus Kids & Gun Safety, NEWSY "Evening Debrief"

In General

Rob Pincus was invited to speak with NEWSY's Evening Debrief about how to avoid tragedies with involving guns and kids. Accidental deaths and Injuries with firearms involving children are relatively rare, given the number of guns, and the number of family homes with guns in them, in the United States, but this is an area where it is easy to see that "even one is too many".

Rob Pincus has been addressing firearms safety around children in his own homes for almost three decades and has taught courses on the topic around the country. In those courses and in this clip, Pincus stresses that it is the responsibility of every firearms owner to prevent unauthorized access to their guns.

Parents often believe that their guns are secure when they are not. This could be because the guns are merely hidden and not in a locked container or because the children in the home know the combinations or locations of keys. The fundamental mistake the parents make is TRUSTING their own efforts or their children's behavior. It is not uncommon for children who "know the rules" to violate them, especially when unsupervised or during their teen years when pushing boundaries is common and risk aversion is particularly low.

Pincus believe strongly that educating children, even those who live in homes that don't contain firearms, on safe gun handling practices would have a significant impact in reducing tragic events involving kids & firearms. Discussions about firearms best practices and storage with children in school child also affect firearms safety in the home, just as educating children on other topics can affect household behaviors (think: Fire Safety).

Ultimately, it is the gun community that is most impacted by these tragedies and that has the largest role to play in reducing them. Education and awareness campaigns will have a much bigger effect than laws or political action. Thankfully, the gun community works hard to prevent these tragedies through a variety of programs, including courses run by Kids Safe Foundation (, Project Childsafe ( and the recommendation of safe storage practices by retailers and instructors in the firearms industry.

Pincus is also a strong advocate of members of the gun community actively encouraging other gun owners to follow best practices, as discussed in this article:

For more information on Firearms Safety and use, visit

For information about Family Firearms Safety Seminars, contact I.C.E. Training Company,

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