Charlie Cook
Charlie Cook 09 Mar 2021

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RSWC #097 Kim Petters

In General

Riding Shotgun With Charlie
Kim Petters
The DC Project

I opened the door to Kim’s house in Dover, DE, to pick her up to film the show. “Oh my gosh, Charlie. We’ve met!” You know how it is, when you’ve met a lot of people in the 2A community and you can’t ‘really’ remember them until you see them in person. That’s what happened. We met in DC at the DC Project event in the summer of 2019.

Kim Petters recently learned about elections and incumbent politician’s families. Last year, 2 months before the election, she stepped up to run for the clerk of the peace. That means she’s in charge of wedding licenses and very similar to a justice of the peace. With only 2 months to run a campaign, she was only 5% away from beating the incumbent who has had a family member in that office for years. She didn’t win the election, but she learned a lot for the next time.

Before that, Kim spent 10 years in the Air Force. She had a very difficult job: she brought home the remains of our soldiers from Afghanistan. Certainly with a job like that, there’s lots to get to you. And it did. Kim suffered from PTSD when she got back. Her doctor put her on some medication. Something to get her up during the day. And something else to get her down to sleep at night. She didn’t feel right. She knew there had to be something different, maybe even something that worked.

Kim did some research and found out that there were lots of studies that say using cannabis was better, non-addictive, and worked. She grew up as someone who didn’t smoke marijuana and was not into it. Her family recently moved to Delaware and didn’t know many people, let alone who she could get some cannabis from. So, she had her brother in law send her some. After using it once, she was relaxed and enjoyed an evening of regular family time. After some time, others started noticing that she was looking better and healthier, but she didn’t want to tell them her ‘secret’.

Kim has learned a lot about writing a bill to make Delaware a state where you can get a medicinal marijuana card. Last year, she had several politicians on both sides of the aisle supporting the bill she was involved with. But thanks to the “virus that shall not be named”, everything was shelved. And this process goes back the beginning once things open up and the state government goes back into session.

Also, being a pro 2A supporter and a gun owner, Kim has gotten involved with the DC Project as the representative from Delaware. She also brings up a number of times that she’s been at 2A events on the east coast and many of the big name 2A advocates reach out to her to get something to help them sleep. They can’t bring anything with them if they’re flying so they ended up connecting to Kim.

It's refreshing to hear that there are people who are ‘down with freedom’ on all levels. I don’t partake and never have. But if you want or need to use it, who am I to infringe you. Just remember, that’s a 2-way street. And it’s still a disqualifier on the 4473!

Favorite quotes:
“I was desperate and the pills were taking a toll.”
“Everyone’s like ‘Wow, Kim, you look great’, but I didn’t want to tell them my secret.”
“Every veteran who is struggling with PTSD needs access to this stuff!”
“I am a woman and this is why I want to preserve our Rights.”

The DC Project

Kim Petters website

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