21 Aug 2017

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Ruger Mini-14 Accu-Strut Barrel Stabilizer Test

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Here's the link to my Mini-14 range session without the Accu-Strut. The Mini-14 is more than sufficient in providing "Minute-of-Bad-Guy" defense with or without the Accu-Strut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eknb9WpJAeU

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kkina 5 years ago

HI, this is Kevin Kina, the inventor of the Accu-strut. I just happened to stumble on your review of my product. You experienced less than stellar results from the product. I can tell you with upmost certainty that this performance issue was caused by insufficient security of the installation. You clearly indicated the unit was slipping from recoil. This is a known issue- any slippage will completely nullify the accurization effect. Any slippage- even thousandths of an inch- will neutralize the strut. You must find a way to secure the unit so it will work properly. First try Loc-tite inside the clamp surfaces. If that doesn't work, you pretty much have to drill countersink wells for the rear set-screws. Thank you for allowing me a chance to respond.

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