Sandhills Media
02 Aug 2018
Senator Blumenthal, are you a LIAR or just a MORON?
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Connecticut senator was not honest on ABC news
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The Democrat Party is full of liars and I only trust few Republicans…. If I remember correctly he lied about his military service. Not really going to look it up for the exacts on him b/c he is a democrat and lying is their default.
That's "Danang Dick" Blumenthal, a congenital liar & genetic idiot.
A vicious. & nasty piece of work.
Actually both, they have no idea what there talking about its pretty sad, the AR is scary my kids cry when the see a gun like that now, what am i going to do. I will save you some money before you go to a psychologist," ALL YOU NEED TO DO" >>LISTEN CLOSELY NOW>> IS CHANGE THE CHANNEL THAT'S IT, you can do it i believe in you, With a lot of practice i think you might be able to overcome this problem your having with LIBERALISM so before they let you out of your stray jacket remember slow or fast turn the page ,you can remember that right .