GunRights4Illinois 15 Jun 2019

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Senator Julie Morrison Town Hall June 11th Assault Weapon Ban and CONFISCATION

In General

On June 11th, 2019 Illinois Senator Julie Morrison and State Representative Bob Morgan had a town hall meeting to discuss issues from the spring session of the 101st general assembly. As Senator Morrison is sponsor of numerous civilian disarmament bills, many gun owners showed up to ask questions.

This approximate 20 minute video shows some of those questions being asked, and answered. At about 14:25 Senator Morrison, in a moment where Morrison presented with a logical argument, Morrison suggest Confiscation of legally purchased firearms.

Other topics of discussion included SB1966, also known as Fix the FOID. As well as Senator Morrison's own assault weapon ban. One gun owner suggested if money is the problem with the Illinois State Police, as Senator Morrison had suggested, to allow allow gun owners to pay to expedite their Firearm Owner Identification cards and Concealed carry license. Another gun owner presented facts to Senator Morrison regarding statistics of deaths from guns "“ and pointed out neither of her civilian disarmament bills would do anything to get to prevent these deaths.

Thank you to John Coyne from Illinois Gun Owners Together (IGOT) for providing the video.

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