mannyCA 28 Dec 2019

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Sharps 1859 Carbine - Loading & Shooting

In General

We take a break from work and putz around with an iconic firearm from the past. The 1859 Sharps Carbine Pedersoli reproduction is a blast (literally) to shoot and load. This .54 caliber behemoth with a 475 grain bullet and 100 grains of black powder combine to get your attention. Twenty bone jarring shots and we're lucky we didn't hurt anything. Join us as we enjoy a day afield! It's like your here with us, but not really since we have limited parking.

See how the Demoncrats rig elections and produce voter fraud. Thank God for Judicial Watch, they just confirmed all our fears! So, get out and vote often!

watch this video on our new sites:

Since the Google censors has deemed us a threat to their progressive leftist agenda they have severely limited our channel. Check out our bitchute, gunstreamer and thereloadersnetwork for our alternative posting sites when they perma-ban everything which is pro-Constitution.

Oh yeah, AND FUCK GOOGLE YOUTUBE, the authoritarians who promote p@dophilia and muzzy gang rapes.

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djmel85 5 years ago

At 11:29 when you say "there she is in all her beauty" it looks like the receiver is cracked behind the block from the top about 2/3 of the way down?

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Remmag 5 years ago

I had no idea you could load them that way, this seems a lot less tedious than making your own cartridges or muzzle loading. For me nothing beats lo-tec and a good design... now i feel like i have to have one of these cool carbines.

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