ArmedAndFeminine 05 May 2018

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SIG SAUER P320 SUB Compact X-Change Kit

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Firearms Information geared toward women

This is a part 2 of my Sig P320 Video. Here is a look at how easy it is go convert your Sig P320 into the smaller Sub Compact version or vice versa.

Video and Production: Kelly-Charles Pidgeon, Lori Blackwell
Warning: This is a firearms video. Please treat all firearms as if they are loaded and always keep them pointed in a safe direction.
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All music is from my husband's band, Boats Against the Current, available on iTunes.

It's here! The x change kit for my sig p320. We're going to make it into a subcompact. Hi guys, it's Kelly here from Armed and Feminine and today I'm going to show you how to change out the Sig P320 . I'm going to convert it from the compact size to a sub compact. You know, I bought this one sort of in a hurry because I had been looking for one for months and months and months, and couldn't so I just bought the one they had at the shop. I love it. I love it a ton, but just wasn't fitting exactly correctly. And since this Sig is modular, I decided to get the sub-compact version. So today, I'm just gonna show you how easy this really is to make specific for your particular fit and comfort. First of all what i wanted to show you here is that I got some stuff that I wasn't expecting to get. When I went to Sig Sauer

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Bratt 6 years ago

I have been looking at doing the same thing with my 320 Carry.

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toddullmann 6 years ago

very neat system.. I bought one in 357-sig!

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