Fit'n Fire
Fit'n Fire 28 Jul 2017

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Strength Day - Superset

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This video is my work out of the week (WoW).This week we are looking at a strength workout that focuses more on lifting than cardio. But, don't be mistaken, you will get your heart rate up quick.

This is a circuit workout that will have you do each exercise for 40 seconds and rest for 20 seconds before moving to the next exercise. Once you complete all the exercises, rest for 1-2 minutes. Then repeat the circuit for a total of 3 times (or 4 if you're feeling sporty). Here are the exercises:

1A. Step up to press or curl
1B. Dumbbell or barbell bent over row
2A. Landmine deadlift or kettleball deadlift
2B. Kettleball swing
3A. Seated band row
3B. Weighted sit ups, leg lifts, or ab roller
Rest 1-2 minutes between each circuit.
Aim for 8-10 reps per each 40 second exercise.

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