Hickok45 03 Feb 2020

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Sunday Shoot a Round # 5

In General

Your weekly UPDATE! If you notice a couple of cuts in this one, it's because I went about 50 minutes. I cut a couple of my rambling sidetracks out. Hard to do since everything I say is pure genius, but I forced myself to trim it a bit. :-) The rifle I am plinking with is my Shiloh Sharps Model 1874 Montana Roughrider .45-70. The other rifle is my LWRC 6.8 SPC.
------------------------ Please visit the Hickok45.com website and check out what the great folks who support us have to offer: BUD’s GUN SHOP, FEDERAL PREMIUM, SONORAN DESERT INSTITUTE, APMEX, TALON GRIPS, & Ballistol: http://www.hickok45.com/supporters/
Please consider becoming a Gong Club member at our Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/hickok45
Hickok45 Store: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/hickok45
Federal Premium: http://www.federalpremium.com/
SDI (Sonoran Desert Institute): http://www.sdi.edu/
APMEX: http://apmex.pub/hickok45
APMEX HICKOK45 FAVORITES: http://apmex.pub/hickok45favorites
Talon Grips: https://talongungrips.com/
Ballistol: https://ballistol.com/
None scheduled at this time.
ALSO, ALL our videos are on GunStreamer.com:
The short FAQ Videos playlist will answer most questions you have.
Find us on Hickok45 Twitter and Facebook, as well as “therealHickok45” on Instagram.
NOTE: All shooting in our videos is done by professional shooters for instructional and entertainment purposes, with an emphasis on safety and responsible gun ownership. Do not attempt to copy at home anything you see in our videos. Firearms can be extremely dangerous if not used safely.
(Note: These descriptions were last updated on 9-18-19).

Please check out and support the people who help make this channel possible: BUD’s GUN SHOP, SILENCER CENTRAL, SONORAN DESERT INSTITUTE, ALABAMA HOLSTER, TALON GRIPS, & BALLISTOL.
Become a Gong Club member at our Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/hickok45
Bud’s Gun Shop.com: https://www.budsgunshop.com/
Silencer Central.Com: https://www.silencercentral.com/
SDI (Sonoran Desert Institute): http://www.sdi.edu/
Alabama Holster: https://alabamaholster.com/
Talon Grips: https://talongungrips.com/
Ballistol: https://ballistol.com/
ALSO, ALL our videos are on Rumble and GunStreamer.com:
The short FAQ Videos playlist will answer most questions you have:
Find us on Hickok45 Twitter and Facebook, as well as “therealHickok45” on Instagram.
Hickok45 videos are filmed on my own private shooting range and property by trained professionals for educational and entertainment purposes only, with emphasis on firearms safety and responsible gun ownership. We are NOT in the business of selling firearms or performing modifications on them. Do not attempt to copy at home anything you see in our videos. Firearms can be extremely dangerous if not used safely.

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