NicTaylor00 12 Dec 2019

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Super Bad Taurus TX22 Pistol - Review

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As many of you may know I am not a Taurus fan at all. I've owned two Taurus handguns in my life and that was enough. One was a model 66, 357Magnum revolver and the cylinder holes for the rounds had rough machine marks and I had to use a hammer on the ejection rod to get the empty brass out of the gun. SOLD IT... The second was a Taurus PT92 and the bold face eroded like I was shooting high pressure rounds in it. SOLD IT... never to own another Taurus again.

That all changed when I saw the 16 round TX22 announced. Being someone that makes High Capacity magazine upgrades for other 22's, I had to see this gun since most manufacturers only make 10 round mags.

After shooting this gun for almost a year, it is now my second favorite gun behind the M&P22 Compact. Only because the Compact is smaller and I can get the same amount of rounds in the gun. The TX22 shot every type of ammo I ran in it with out fail. The grip is SUPER, the trigger is SUPER, the capacity is SUPER. I can not say enough good things about this gun.

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trevorburk 5 years ago

I really like mine. It’s very fun to shoot

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JDL1911 5 years ago

The TX22 just moved up high on my list to buy.

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