Rob Pincus
Rob Pincus 12 Apr 2024

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Testimony in Opposition to proposed Firearms Storage Law (in Vehicles) in Colorado.

In General

Rob Pincus was with several Second Amendment Advocates in Colorado yesterday, testifying in opposition to a proposed Vehicle Storage Law.
The rules only allot Two Minutes for statements. His testimony including these points:

-All Government Requirements put upon individuals who have done nothing wrong infringe their ability to exercise their rights.
-The Gun Community already does an outstanding job of creating safe storage and staging devices and educating gun owners about them and their use.
-A law which prohibits having any container with a firearm inside it visible from outside the vehicle is nonsensical and will lead to unnecessary interactions with law enforcement who would have no idea what might be in a case they observe.
- Prohibiting the responsible storage of firearms in secure compartments that are integrated into vehicles by manufacturers to secure valuables is nonsensical.
-There are already civil and criminal ways to punish gun owners who are find to be negligent in regard to their firearms storage that results in harm to others.

Learn More about the Bill here:

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