Armament_and_Axes 30 Dec 2019

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Thank you to splatterburst targets !

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John TheRange
John TheRange 5 years ago

Hey Chris, I bought a big box of these off Amazon a year ago. I think I have 200 of them, and believe it or not, I haven't tried them yet. LOL Next time out, I'm bringing a bunch to the club. i'm officially a Gunstreamer only guy as of now. No more YouTube for me. I want to support a platform that supports us, not one that goes out of their way to hinder all kinds of 100% legal activity. I'll miss the Hank podcast, but until some of these bigger channels that i enjoy man up and work with like minded platforms, instead of allowing the blatantly biased YT to rule over them with silly and petty rules, I won't support them any longer. We have to stand up for ourselves. I would understand if any pof the channels I watch were doing stuff that even bordered on illegal, but every channel I enjoy, does 100% LEGAL activities and makes great content out of it. Thanks for being here buddy. Nice shooting guys.

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Armament_and_Axes 5 years ago

hey brother thanks for watching and I hope the targets work well for you. Yep YT rules are BS and i know what you are saying.

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