Gunny Gunner
Gunny Gunner 20 Apr 2024

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The Largest Porsche Collector Of Thailand - Suthi Porsche Collector

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It's a pleasure to meet some of the most exciting members of the global Porsche community. I hope you enjoyed listening to Suthi and his experiences in owning dozens of Porsches throughout his life.

Hey there, if you're new to the channel thanks for stopping by and consider subscribing! My channel mainly focuses on Porsches and the drivers I get to meet in my adventures. I also have many car projects and am currently building a Safari 911 here on the channel so stay tuned for that content!

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Previous Uploads:

Yet Another Porsche Story - Phill's Aircooled Porsche 911

Oilstain Labs Half-11

The Organizers Of Sick Alps

Why You Should Get An Aircooled 911 Right Now! // What Makes a Porsche 911 Special?

#porsche #carstories #porsche911 #outlawporsche #porscheoutlaw #porschesafari #singerporsche #porscheclub #porschecommunity #porscheclassic

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