KandosiiClandestine 17 Jul 2020

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The Marxist Smithsonian NMAACH Goes Full-religious-Racist

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I’m just glad to not have to be on YouTube anymore.


The national museum takes a political and religious stance! Showing their true racism, they slander both black and white people equally. These people are not operating out of a rational logical mindset, they’re coming from a religious perspective. They’ve taken the political beliefs so deep that it’s their religion which they do not question, that they would do anything to serve and obey. They condemn logical thinking, planning for the future, being polite, or being Christian as “white culture” and declare that should be rejected and that we should do those things anymore.They condemn logical thinking, planning for the future, being polite, a work ethic, competitiveness, logic, science, controlling emotions, avoiding conflict, or being Christian as “white culture“ and declare that those things (and more) should should be rejected and that we should not do those things anymore.

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